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Showing results 9 to 28 of 724
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Mar-2017Anchoring Speaker : A Conceptual Account of a Copula Distinction in Tibetan with Related Phenomena in Japanese, English & MongolianKoguma, Takeshi; Izutsu, Katsunobu
31-Mar-2009Application of traditional herbal medicines to suppress the reversion of polio vaccine viruses to the neurovirulent genotypeHorie, Hitoshi; Fujii, Yuichi; Katabami, Kouji; Iwama, Masanori; Yamada, Akira
31-Mar-2011A県下における口腔ケアの現状 (研究ノート)大辻, 裕子
27-Jan-2015Biochemical Studies on the Effect of Low and Excess Biotin Intakes on Female and Male Reproduction in RodentsSawamura, Hiromi
21-Mar-2016Characterization and Isomerization of (all-E)-Lycopene Derived from Natural Origin本田, 真己
31-Mar-2020Characterization of Phosphorus and Its Dynamics in Lake Biwa and Attached Lagoon LakesYI, Rong
19-Oct-2020Community actions against anticommons of forests in contemporary Japan: case studies of former common forestsTAKAHASHI, Takuya; Matsushita, Koji; Nishimura, Toshiaki
31-Mar-2004Comparative Study on Spiritual Care between Japan and Indonesia : Focus on "Care after Death" in the Medical FieldHiga, Norie; Higa, Hayato
1-Mar-2019Contents Analysis of Safety Management-related Syllabi for Midwifery Education岩谷, 久美子
1-Mar-2023COVID-19 の影響下における成人クリティカルケア実習の取り組み:成果と課題からみえた今後の展望生田, 宴里; 荒川, 千登世
1-Mar-2023COVID-19 禍における成人看護学実習の実習方法と教育方法の工夫横井, 和美; 生田, 宴里; 片山, 将宏; 喜多下, 真里; 小野, あゆみ; 荒川, 千登世; 糸島, 陽子
1-Mar-2023COVID-19 蔓延下における成人慢性期看護学実習の実習目標達成に向けた学内実習の工夫とルーブリック評価尺度の到達レベルの検討片山, 将宏; 横井, 和美
31-Oct-2015Culturing Wildness:The Ecopoetry of the SatoyamaRippey, John
19-Mar-2009Cu系合金の抵抗特性に関する研究仲村, 圭史
31-Mar-2019Determination of Dissolved and Particulate Thiols in Lake Biwa by Optimized HPLC- Fluorescence Method to Observe Their DistributionRasheduzzaman, Md.
23-Mar-2015Dinoflagellates from Hainan Island : Potential threat for transporting harmful algae from Hainan to JapanYin, Anqi
31-Mar-2010Enhancement effects of antimicrobial activities of β-lactam antibiotics by combination with persimmon tannin against β-lactamase-producing Staphylococcus aureusHorie, Hitoshi; Sato, Hiroyasu; Taya, Kahoru; Hamada, Setsuo; Fujii, Yuichi; Nozawa, Koohei; Iwama, Masanori; Yamada, Akira
31-Mar-2009Enhancement of antimicrobial activities of antibiotics by combination with epigallocatechin gallate against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureusHorie, Hitoshi; Yamahata, Nagisa; Takahashi, Naoki; Yoshida, Akira; Katabami, Kouji; Sato, Hiroyasu; Ohkoshi, Emika; Fujii, Yuichi; Iwama, Masanori; Yamada, Akira
31-Mar-2015Establishment and Validation of the Japanese Version of the Exposure to Disruptive Behavior Scale (Notes)Hirata, Hiromi
25-Jan-2010Evidence for paddy-field derived nutrients and their horizontal transport in Lake Biwa, JapanTanaka, Lidia Lie
Showing results 9 to 28 of 724
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