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Browsing by Author Matsushita, Koji

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Oct-2020Community actions against anticommons of forests in contemporary Japan: case studies of former common forestsTAKAHASHI, Takuya; Matsushita, Koji; Nishimura, Toshiaki
Jan-2017Factors affecting the creation of modern property ownership of forest commons in Japan:An examination of historical, prefectural dataTakahashi, Takuya; Matsushita, Koji; de Jong, Wil
30-Jun-2019Impacts of 150 Years of Modernization Policies on the Management of Common Forests in Japan: A Statistical Analysis of Micro Census DataTakahashi, Takuya; Matsushita, Koji; Yoshida, Yoshio; Senda, Tetsuji
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3


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