The University of Shiga Prefecture Repository >
Browsing by Author 小熊 猛
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 21-Mar-2017 | Anchoring Speaker : A Conceptual Account of a Copula Distinction in Tibetan with Related Phenomena in Japanese, English & Mongolian | Koguma, Takeshi ; Izutsu, Katsunobu |
20-Mar-2019 | Experience report starters and their evoked speech event conceptions: Conceptual overlap of interpersonal and ideational metafunctions | 井筒, 勝信; 小熊, 猛 |
10-Dec-2019 | How to start, go on, or stop in EFL Communication 口頭による英語コミュニケーションの基礎を求めて | 井筒, 勝信; 小熊, 猛 ; 金, 容澤 |
30-Oct-2020 | Some effective ways to manage presentations in EFL Communication ー英語による口頭発表への道を開くー | 井筒, 勝信; 小熊, 猛 ; 金, 容澤 |
31-Oct-2015 | 事態把握を軸にした類型論の予備的考察 : 再帰的受益者主語構文を中心に(研究ノート) | 小熊, 猛 |
20-Mar-2020 | 新学習指導要領における文法指導に関する一考察 | 小熊, 猛 ; 中谷, 博美 |
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6