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タイトル: 腰痛要因となる危険姿勢を勤務中に警告・モニタリング可能な携帯型姿勢計測装置の開発
その他のタイトル: Development of a portable posture measuring device capable of monitoring posture while working and warning of dangerous posture that could cause lower back pain
著者: 伊丹, 君和
キーワード: 腰痛予防
発行日: 2018/06/16
抄録: 看護師の職業性腰痛は他職種と比較して深刻であり,離職者防止のためにも腰痛対策は急務である.そこで,本研究では腰痛要因となる危険姿勢を勤務中に警告・モニタリング可能な携帯型姿勢計測装置を開発した.実際の看護現場において検証した結果,平均前傾姿勢角度の減少および腰部負担を改善するためのボディメカニクス活用意識の向上を認めた.今後も引き続き,実際の看護現場に組み入れ,自己の腰痛予防意識を高める腰痛予防教育を組織的・継続的に行っていく必要性が示唆された.     Occupational low back pain is a more serious problem among nurses than many other occupational categories, and counter-measures are urgently needed to prevent nurses from leaving the profession. In this study, a portable device for measuring posture that is capable of monitoring posture while working and warning the user of dangerous posture that could cause lower back pain was developed. The device was tested in an actual nursing setting, and the results showed reduction in the mean angle of forward leaning posture as well as increased awareness of the use of body mechanics for improving the burden on the lower back during nursing activities. This suggests the need to incorporate the device into nursing settings and to carry out systematic lower back pain prevention education on a continuous basis to increase individual awareness of lower back pain prevention.
内容記述: 科学研究費助成事業研究成果報告書(研究種目:基盤研究(C)(一般),研究期間:2015~201,課題番号:15K11556)
NII JaLC DOI: info:doi/10.24795/nkkk_itami_201812


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